I once saw a 10 years old boy with an iPhone 5s, suddenly appears a stray dog​​, the child ran away scared and dropped the phone. I took it and sold it on ebay for 550 dollars and then I gave the money to the homeless who owned the dog...

There is this guy. I really like him. So one day I put a note in his locker. The next day, a guy came up to me saying that he feels the same way. Turns out I was one locker off. FML

Me and my step bro are the same age we've known each other for about 10 years now. We were best friends, and started dating when we were 13-15. Then our parents fell in love and made us break up... Anyway, we still sleep together as if we were boyfriend and girlfriend, even though our parents are together.

I saw I brick wall when I was little and I thought if I pressed the right one I could go to Diagon Alley. Boy was I wrong, I stood there slapping bricks almost all day.

Every time I pop a pimple or pick a scab, I eat it... I don't know why I do, but I've been doing it since I was younger.
