I am pansexual- I've known this since I was 12 and had a crush on my homosexual male best friend. I've tried telling my mom, who always talks about equality and also has a best friend who does drag. I just don't know what to do, she's told me it's a phase so often, I've just given up on telling her when I'm in a non-straight relationship.. Only a few other people know.

I'm temporarily living with my cousin's and my aunt. I love them and everything, but not the house. Because my aunt is psychic, she can feel a presence in her house. It's haunted. And last night when I tried to sleep, I heard weird shuffling sounds, whispers getting louder, footsteps and this one strange sound that repeated for about 2 minutes. I was simply terrified. Didn't sleep well at all.

My mom lives somewhere else in the country, and she wants me to come live with her. But I can't tell my aunt and uncle that I wanna go move, after they've raised me from 5 years old. It made me think about it so hard I cried.

I posted a profile on Zoosk under female, wanted, 24, looking for a bi female to join me and my fiancee. My stepmom responded to it. I turned her down saying that she was too manly LOL

One time when i was sixteen, my older sister dared me to go outside naked. So i did, and when i got ready to walk back into the house she locked the door. I tried getting into the house, but non of the windows were unlocked. Of course my luck only got worse, when my cute new neighbor had seen someone trying to get into our house and had walked over. Think of his surprise when he saw me naked.
