My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 1/2 years. I love him, but we are each others first everything. I can't help but wonder if I need to be with other people before I decide he's the one.

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years. His cousin is my ex. I love my boyfriend because he reminds me so much of him and makes me happy, but I am secretly sad from even thinking about this.

When I was little, maybe 4 or 3, I had a hamster named Lenny, and my older sister told me if I stuck my finger in the cage Lenny would hug it. So I stuck something else in there, I really don't know why, and Lenny bit it. I was bleeding and had to tell my mom what happened. Since that day this is the story that my parents tell at parties when they talk about me. Thanks Lenny, thanks a lot.

When I was 8 I though sex was toughing something while you here naked. So one day I got out of the shower and petted my dog. Butt naked. I hurried up and got dressed and went down stairs. I yelled to my mum and dad "Mom I just had sex!!". You should if seen the loom on their faces. #lol

I had my period in my boyfriend's pool. His brother thought it was kool-aid and swam through it. Too embarrassed to talk to him now... #superembarrassed
