Once, at my church, we were playing games, and there were many boys on my team, and I farted really loud, and all the boys started looking at each other. They looked at everyone except me! Thank God!

So over the summer last year I went on a road trip. I had to pee really bad and my buddy was driving and we were no where's near a rest stop. I saw a empty bottle and I did my Business there. As I was peeing my friend hit a pit hole and the pee went everywhere!

As a child, my older brother (by two years) was hyperactive. If he was angered by my older brothers he would fart in their face and give them pink eye.. he would make SURE they got it by farting on their pillow before going to bed. This happened multiple times... Glad I didn't make him angry.

My boyfriend is leaving in six days for the military, i'm going to miss him so much. We talk for hours on the phone everyday , and i'm not sure how i'm going to survive without him. All i know is i miss him already, and he hasn't even hung up the phone yet.

My mom once threw me at a wall because I came up to her while she was laying down and tickled her.
