One time I was at home an farted so loud my dog ran away.

I always here my family say how handsome I am, but when I Look in the mirror all I see is a dark black boy with acne. I never try to talk to any girls at my school because I'm afraid to get rejected. This has led my mom to believe I am gay.

I'm stuck in an unfulfilling relationship with a girl who thinks I'm in love with her. She's really clingy. I don't want to end it though, because she has money, and gets me whatever I want.

One day, I tried to ear-drop on an interesting conversation in a coffee shop. The handsome gentleman was rambling on about aim and shoot at the eye, and that he prefer to handle some curvy, 75 lbs or less. He lost something to the another guy because he didn't have enough stamina and end up dry fired his equipment. I had some high hope to become his girlfriend, but he was talking about archery.

When I was 18, I got a girl pregnant but I was always taught to deal with my responsibilities so I helped and her mum got into drugs afterwards, so for two years, I raised that baby girl mostly on my own, with some help from my mum so I could work, and I ADORED her. Last summer, she died in an accident and I honestly don't know what to do with myself anymore. I miss my angel.
