Unmoderated secrets

I hit my step dad's dogs when they whine or bark at night when Im trying to sleep. One of them I beat horribly to make him shut up.

This not a secret but add me on snap premiumcouple00

My secret is that I got high and was chatting with a nice looking woman who is very interesting and intelligent, well she gives her Facebook information to connect with her and Saw another woman I thought attractive and make a hot one night. she replies says she's down with hooking up with me for sex we exchange a little more info and I find out shes 14 and I still would have if it weren't illegal

Sometimes I just want a sugar daddy. Without the sugar lol

Join my group! #18flirtychatroom Must be at least 18 to join. We play games every day and have all become really close

Kik me joeylanseh I'm new on kik and I'm looking for friends.

So yeah here's my secret... A real secret compared to most here. From the age of 12 or 13 till I turned 19 I used to sniff and stroke myself with my mom's panties. Oh and I only used her DIRTY panties for my pleasure. So let's fast forward to today me being 30 now... I confused to my wife and now we both enjoy sniffing and licking my mother's her younger niece's or a random chicks stolen pair

When you post something about someone…whether they see it or not, be sure you can tell that to their face too. For instance, if I directly told someone something over text, I'd say it to their face effortlessly. Some people like to act tough...when I'm reality they're far from it. Anyway, logging out of here for good.

When you post something about someone…whether they see it or not, be sure you can tell that to their face too. For instance, if I directly told someone something over text, I'd say it to their face effortlessly. Some people like to act tough...when I'm reality they're far from it. Anyway, logging out of here for good.

I'm really bored and need some one to talk to.
