Sometimes I pretend Morgan Freeman is narrating my life. Like "and then he got up and went to the bathroom" with his voice. #stupid #weird

Lately I have been trying to be more expressive, so now sometimes when I talk to myself in my head, I move my hands and arms around like I'm talking to someone else. #weird

I twist almost every story I tell people because my life really isn't that interesting. I'm a pathological liar, and everyone thinks I'm really funny and interesting. In reality I am depressing, weird, and boring.

I'v never been much of a ghost believer but I think there's a ghost in my house. It's so weird I hear breathing and see stuff run across the floor. Also a cabinet in the kitchen seems to keep opening, I close it and go back a little later and it's open again. #CreepedOut

The first time I ate a sunflower seed, when I was in 1st grade, I though I was going to grow a sunflower in my stomach. So I would eat dirt, drink a lot of water and keep my mouth open to get some sunlight. #wheniwaslittle #weird #lol

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