When I was little, as soon as a flushed the toilet I would run out the room because I thought the sound would awaken a spider army.

I've been married for two and a half years but have been with my husband for five years all together. I did not marry him for love and am now regretting my decision. I want more in life then a loveless marriage. I want love and passion.

I asked my best friend to my grad (equivalent of the prom in my country ) three months ago and she said yeah but she'd have to sort it out with her boyfriend first. She told me no last week and she didn't want to make me embarrassed by saying no to my face when my friends were there. I've never been so let down by a friend in my life, but hey who needs her?

I attended this college party. While dancing with everybody, my mouth feel a certain attraction to some guy's pants, almost ram into him. I found out he carries a giant magnet in his pocket. Now I regret on having my tongue pierced.

This guy and I have a friends with benefits relationship. And I think I'm falling in love with him. Only problem is he's got a girl, and I want him to be just mine. I never did like sharing.
