I always tell my mom all of my secrets she's my only true friend and my best friend the person i can trust and know she will always keep my secrets safe and secure. I love You Mommy!!

When I was younger, I had an "imaginary friend". I didn't have friends, my family forgot about me, I was alone, back then he was the only one I had. Suddenly, after i started making friends, he disappeared, but i still hold him dear to me. Then, recently, I had a dream. He had grown so much and was just gorgeous. I think I'm in love with my imaginary friend.

In 5th grade a new boy came to my school. We used to read to Pre-kers and when we got upstairs to my teachers room to put the books away. It was the two of us. I tried flirting by... dropping my sack of books so he could help me and we'll fall in love like in love stories. Let's say that.. we didn't fall in love, I picked up the books by myself and he just went to lunch after he was done.

I call my boyfriend Shakespeare a lot because he likes to send me love letters all the time.

Growing up i was a little pyro maniac and loved to play with fire. So one day i was lighting a candle and my younger sister was in front of me. Me being me and not paying attention as I lit the candle, I caught my younger sister's hair on fire.

23 - 37