I had a crush on my music teacher in 4th grade, and wrote him a love letter. (He kept it) I quickly grew out of it because everyday he would say hi to me more than usual. Yeah... awkward. Oh, and he was my music teacher all the way until 8th grade.

Once, my brother tried to scare me by jumping out of my closet. It was awkward when he realized i was in bed with my boyfriend...

I once told my dad I wanted to go to the mall and he said he would take me. When we got to the mall, we were in Aeropostale and he started playing with one of the naked mannequins' boobs... Everybody was staring at us. #awkward #thanksdad

When I was 11 I went to my older brother's house and when I walked Into his room. He was in the shower with his girlfriend and her underwear were on the bed, so I sniffed them, but as i did, my brother caught me. #awkward

Today i was sitting in lunch and my friend said it smelled like poop. I looked around and this girl looked really awkward and nervous. She went to the bathroom and i didn't smell poop anymore. She was gone for 10 minutes... When she came back she farted and lets say there was a spot on her pants.. i didnt tellher and people were laughing at her. I feel really bad, I should have told her!

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