I once told my husband, I loved him. He said he didn't love me back... That's when I realized that it was his twin brother! #majorfail

My ex boyfriend broke up with me, and the next day he came to my house to talk to me. I thought that he was going to say that he wanted me back, so I ran to him and kissed him. When I pulled away, he said "so, we wanna be friends". #awkward #fail

I'm a math teacher, and since I used to hate this subject, I give my students all As and Bs even though they deserve to fail.

My Dad used to beat me,and me mom a lot when he drank. Now I try to be the best dad I can be to my to boys. I regret the time I lost teaching myself morals and values the hard way. I secretly feel as like I'm going to fail them like mine failed me.

Last year, I had a senior student who was a douche bag jock. He constantly disrupted the class and was failing. In order to play in Friday's game he needed to retake quizzes (which I don't allow). I offered him a chance to retake them, if he let me punch him in the stomach. It felt great, and he never missed a single class again. He passed with a B. He was much smarter than he was pretending to be

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