Unmoderated secrets

Honestly summer reading sucks. Instead we should do research on nature or something like that.

I'm a very strong believer in harm reduction. After roughly two years of sobriety my girlfriend who is a mother of 4 wanted to experience iv meth and we shared that experience. I made her promise me that that would be something we could only ever do once or twice a year. She didn't care and began doing it a lot. This is the worst thing that I've done in my life

Im with my BF for 3 years. I think I fell I and love with another guy in the past month and I try not to think about him and focus on my relationship but I cant. Im sad and lost in my thoughts

Seems like each time I give a little trust I'm seeing more reasons not to. So sick of all the lies. The sad part is love is supposed to be enough.

I wouldnt call myself bi but I'm head over heels for a girl I met in my ap class. We spent a school year together and I've never felt like this for a girl before. She's not into girls and i'm not her type she'd never meet the person I am with my friends she just knows the shy me. Ive pushed my feelings deep down and locked them away but I still dream about what we could be maybe in another world.

Does anyone use this website anymore? ........................

He insisted on calling tonight and then disappeared even though he just asked me to move to another country for him

Hi I'm bored add me I'm 28 from UK single

I came on here and all of the messages are over five years old... I wonder if anyone else will come here and see this message???

I make short cut on my story...From start is 01.01.2019 ... - I was wondering how many times I will have to move out in this year....Al ready from November..I must move out from every.place wher was tenent... Story is start in UK 14 maybe 15 yers ago.....but my bed lucky timing from November last year...funy months of my birthday... From that point till today date I got every experience of getting
