Unmoderated secrets

Selling feet picture and videos. Message me 1111rach for prices.

Selling feet picture and videos. Message me 1111rach for prices.

I found out my husbans has spent thousands on web cam girls. He paid them to have private chats.He used our money that could have gone to our sons or paid bills. He also has profiles on Plenty of Fish, parent singles, and Tinder. He thinks I am trying to work this out... I fucking hate him!

last night I had a nightmare about not seeing my friend again and I haven't seen her in 5 years.

I am secretly a cocaine addict. Only my dealer and I know. I have been using for almost a year without anyone knowing

Hello world can’t belive it’s around if anyone’s there please leave a small message as I’m struggling to keep my happiness up

Hello world can’t belive it’s around if anyone’s there please leave a small message as I’m struggling to keep my happiness up

My wife left me over a year ago .I still love her with all my heart. I want her to come back

I hate all of my coworkers. Looking at how empty their eyes are makes me feel disgusted.

My family is against sex workers, what they don't know is I've been doing that for a year now. I know if I tell them, they'll disown me immediately
