Unmoderated secrets

Am looking for a sugar baby that I can take fully care of. I don't want a fake baby because I have been screw so many times.

Next Wednesday night I'm spending the night with my gay lover. Both of us will be dressed as women and we will spend the night having sex and on poppers. My partner hs said I can do it but she doesn't know yet this will be happening every week from now on

I live in a religious country where anything regarding a woman doing anything is considered a disgrace.. My mother doesn't know that I was a lesbian once and that I know what sex is

Lonely so lonely I recently found my girl of 10 yrs sabotageing my life because I come from a family that doesn't abandon , hers did I never abandoned her after all the cheating and sneaking in the end you didn't love me you envy me when all that was mine was yours only sex made you stay if you was any other woman that wouldn't bother me ,but I said I was in love with you and I meant it

Lonely so lonely I recently found my girl of 10 yrs sabotageing my life because I come from a family that doesn't abandon , hers did I never abandoned her after all the cheating and sneaking in the end you didn't love me you envy me when all that was mine was yours only sex made you stay if you was any other woman that wouldn't bother me ,but I said I was in love with you and I meant it

Lonely so lonely I recently found my girl of 10 yrs sabotageing my life because I come from a family that doesn't abandon , hers did I never abandoned her after all the cheating and sneaking in the end you didn't love me you envy me when all that was mine was yours only sex made you stay if you was any other woman that wouldn't bother me ,but I said I was in love with you and I meant it

Lonely so lonely I recently found my girl of 10 yrs sabotageing my life because I come from a family that doesn't abandon , hers did I never abandoned her after all the cheating and sneaking in the end you didn't love me you envy me when all that was mine was yours only sex made you stay if you was any other woman that wouldn't bother me ,but I said I was in love with you and I meant it


Ladies wanna have video sex chat. Hit me up 209 421 4124

Ladies wanna have video sex chat. Hit me up 209 421 4124
