Unmoderated secrets

I masturbate like 4 times a day until my balls start hurting

I just need someone to share this with in my time of need. Im stuck on my toilet, taking the fattest, hardest shit in my entire lifetime. My poor intestines are screaming. My asshole is on fire. There are tears forming in my eyes, I have never felt so much unreliable pain. I hope whoevers reading this never has to have the same experience as me

My partner of almost two years and I broke up two days ago. We were engaged. It broke my heart. I fucked my married friend while his wife was in the shower yesterday.

I tried to help someone, but instead was insulted and misjudged. Sometimes, it's best to stay away then to help.

I honestly wanna die more then anything, I’ve been to therapy and left when I was told I was “better”. I’m not. I’m very depressed and my eating has become bad again, I’m disgusted with myself. I’ve also picked up smoking cigarettes. I broke up with my bf a while ago bc I didn’t wanna get hurt but I’m realising now I love him a lot but I can’t ever get him back. But oh well I guess…

my secret is that when I was 8-9 my moms boyfriend started touching me but luckily my mom came home in time, I now know I could have been raped that day. she didn't break up with him when I told her, she said he was just drunk.

Recently I've been thinking about how I'm going to be lonely for the rest of my life and it pains me to say but I dont think that anyone will ever love me enough to share everyday of their life with me

This site is lacking in SPICY secrets so I'll provide. Despite acting all weirded out about furries around my friends and family. I am regularly making furry pornography. Am I proud of this? ABSOLUTELY NOT, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it.

When I was a little boy, I had an imaginary friend. His name was Mr. Henry. He was a little man with a moustache who wore a bowler hat, and he was about my size at that age. Much later, my mom met a lady who had a childhood imaginary friend who's name was Mr. Henry too. He too was a little man with a moustache and a bowler hat. That's really weird.

I hung myself in a tree by a small creek 3 weeks ago. I remember it all going black and knowing that was it. Woke up in the creek. Belt had slipped off after I blacked out. Now it's all I think about all the time. It consumes me. It wasn't fun. No desire to do it again but it's aways ony mind now. I even dream about it. Fuck have I done? Hope it subsides soon or me and that tree are gonna be BFF'
