Unmoderated secrets

I give up trying to be a good girlfriend. Her and her family treats me like I'm a slut. She was my last reason not to kill myself. I don't know what to do anymore.

Seens I was a little girl I have been atracted by girls and havent told my mom still and theres this neighboor that cheats with the pool cleaner and my room is near their house so I have to listen all the shit

When I was in 7th grade, I was getting off my ELP bus, and I thought I would try and impress the girls on my bus (I was the only guy) so when the door opened, I went to jump the steps, aand ended up hitting my head on the padded part above the door and fell backwards landing hard on the stairs and spraning my wrist. T was still funn though. #StupidIdea

I'm secretly dating brendon urie from Panic! At The Disco

My boyfriend for 2 years,I've been cheating on with his brother.

When I was born I had a condition that's called clubbed feet the doctors said I could never run and if I could I'd be really slow now I'm the fastest kid in the whole school ever since my parents told me that I never stop believing in myself . #believe in your self

I secretly have a boner like rn!!😶shhhhh

I am wearing my girlfriends thong right now. Who wants to see?

Sometimes at night I make up scenarios in my head. It might sound weird, but it helps me sleep at night.

When I was younger, I put numbing gel on my sister's tooth brush because she had made a rude remark. She confronted me about the tooth brush, but I convinced her it was the tooth paste... She doesn't buy that tooth paste any more...
