Unmoderated secrets

My amish mother payed for me to get a back massage at the local massage place little does she know that she also payed for a happy ending at the end of that massage

I catfished a woman on Kik. Even gave her number out and all the pics she sent me. Feel kinda bad, but then I don't.

I catfished a woman on Kik. Even gave her number out and all the pics she sent me. Feel kinda bad, but then I don't.

This feels lame… but I can’t get my ex out of my head. It’s been three years and he has another partner and a new baby. He’s told me he regrets leaving me. I don’t want him back after what he did but I just can’t get him out of my brain. I’m afraid no one will ever love me like that again. I’m afraid no one will ever make me feel like that again. It’s irrational, but it’s true.

I've been edging all day! Like 4 hours long

I've been edging all day! Like 4 hours long

I relapsed on meth and I'm horny as hell

One time I was walking on the park and I saw this old lady trip sand fall so I didn't help I just laughed at her face smh iluboy13

One time I was walking on the park and I saw this old lady trip sand fall so I didn't help I just laughed at her face smh iluboy13

I had moderate depression when I was twelve and no-one ever found out. I kinda just waited it out, and I'm ok now.
