One time when I was in school with my now ex boyfriend we were kissing and he's taller then me so I got on my toes and when I did I slipped a little and fell over, and while I was falling someone walking by said "drop it like its hot".

When I was 17 I went to this college party with some friends and made out with this really hot guy. Only to find out the following week that he was our new basketball coach...

When I was little I thought tampons were fake bullets. Me and my friends would use slingshots and shoot tampons at each other and leave them all over the front yard.

Yesterday, i got fired for dating a co-worker. There's no policy forbidding it, my boss just thought it was unfair that I could get with the "hottest girl who works here" but he can't.

I live alone, I don't have cats, but I have a neighbor in college who leaves his bathroom window open every morning. I am also his teacher... #hot

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