I think I'm in love with a psycho. He's mean but sweet at times without trying to be. He reads these secrets, I hope he'll tell me how he feels.

I'm glad that my parents still have sex, because it means that they still love each other. But I'd like to tell them that walls are very thin in our house and some of the sounds they do make me really uncomfortable.

When I was 11 my grandma told me that when someone dies they void their bowels. I didn't understand what she meant fully so when I got pretty bad diarrhea one day, I thought I was going to die and I gave away all my pokemon cards...

When I was 13 my brother started being mean to me so me and my best friend decided to give him pay back. We peed in cups and poured it all over his pillow, that night he slept on his pillow but kept complaining that it smelt funny, I blamed my dog, my brother still hasn't found out.

When I was 13 I texted my mom and told her I was pregnant. The problem is that i meant to say "practicing".

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