I was on a camping trip once, and I had to poop and I had to poop really bad. I found a bucket and pooped in there. Our instructor then announced that we had to find our own mud and plant a seed. Well, a boy found my bucket of 'mud' and used that. I never told anybody. #lol #sorry

When my sister was little i would pretend to pass out just so she would come to me and bring me water. #lazy #lol

The first time I ate a sunflower seed, when I was in 1st grade, I though I was going to grow a sunflower in my stomach. So I would eat dirt, drink a lot of water and keep my mouth open to get some sunlight. #wheniwaslittle #weird #lol

I'm in the closet, my boyfriend just thinks I'm not ready yet but the truth is I cheat on him with his 13 year old sister. #lol #cheating #lesbian

When I was 8 I though sex was toughing something while you here naked. So one day I got out of the shower and petted my dog. Butt naked. I hurried up and got dressed and went down stairs. I yelled to my mum and dad "Mom I just had sex!!". You should if seen the loom on their faces. #lol

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