I met my girlfriend because she added me on Facebook by accident. Every time someone asks we tell a different story. I wonder if anybody will ever find out lol
One time i made a copy of a 20 dollar bill and threw it on the ground. Two guys started arguing about who picked them up first, and then they started fighting, you should have seen their faces after they realized they were fake! lol
My mother in law once walked in in me when I was completely nude. She stopped and stared at me for a minute, then smiled and closed the door slowly. #lol #imsexy
When I was 8 I though sex was toughing something while you here naked. So one day I got out of the shower and petted my dog. Butt naked. I hurried up and got dressed and went down stairs. I yelled to my mum and dad "Mom I just had sex!!". You should if seen the loom on their faces. #lol